Iman TV (24/7 Satellite Broadcasting Network) is a US based Satellite Television Channel that is broadcasting nationwide in the United States and Canada. It available internationally via our live stream broadcast, Jadoo TV, GlWIZ/GlBox.
Get up to the minute news on the hour, every hour with our regular news bulletins
Listen to inspiring accounts and from leading personalities and writers in Book Corner.
Prove that someone cares and they’re not forgotten.
Insightful episodes remind the listener of ways of thinking about and connecting to the one God
Iman TV (24/7 Broadcasting Network) is a US based Television Channel that is broadcasting Worldwide. It available internationally via our live stream broadcast, Jadoo TV, GlWIZ/GlBox.
Iman TV represents our people views and believes and its mission is to promote and preserve our true rich cultural and traditional values , religion ,arts, by reflecting , bring awareness and to educates our community to achieve success , unity and building a bridge between old and new generation based on mutual understanding trust and respect for the brighter future.
We specifically want to highlight the involvement of men and women in all spheres of political, economic and social life. Our coverage will allow us to bring about positive social change through dialogue, debate, and education. Also to enable our upcoming generation to serve, participate with their direct involvement residing countries social and economic system by representing a positive and constructive role.
Iman TV does not belong to any particular political, tribal,regional group or party. It serves the entire people without any kind of racial, color and discrimination . Its main source of support is only within communities by individual contribution , membership dues and promoting local and abroad business by running their Tv commercial and informacial advertisement and interactions. justice.
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CALL: (510) 565-2491
or (510) 673-4010