  • Raised: $10,820
  • Goal: $5,000

Support us with your Funds


1 kujihkujh Digital img $5 Donated
2 jkljklj jkjkl img $5 Donated
3 aaa aaaa img $20 Donated
4 Test test img $20 Donated
5 Kaycee cfd img $1,500 Donated
6 cv vermelho img $1,500 Donated
7 ion img $100 Donated
8 asd asd img $100 Donated
9 Anthony Alexis img $5 Donated
10 fsf fdsfs img $1,500 Donated
11 rrtg rtgrt img $5 Donated
12 ahmed waseem img $5 Donated
13 d df img $20 Donated
14 sdaD adsd img $1,500 Donated
15 Media Senyum img $5 Donated
16 Steve Jobs img $80 Donated
17 DFD SDSF img $20 Donated
18 merlo ponti img $20 Donated
19 ejhkerk kjhdfkjfh img $1,500 Donated
20 ee fefewf img $80 Donated


Support us with your Funds

$10,820 of $5,000 raised
$ 5
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Donation Total: $5